Our Marga Grey granite is a fine grain grey granite, very compact and extremely hard. Its grey color is quite homogeneous and it´s ideal to achieve a chromatic continuity to face large projects. We have a great quarry with large reserves, so the supply is completely guaranteed.
This granite is perfect for manufacturing any kind of product, either public or private works. We can supply tiles, kerbstones, paving-sets, stone walls, palisades, columns, arches and any architectural element with two finishings: saw cut and shot-peened.
Our Petia granites have a great presence because of their visual force. They are a medium-large grain granite with two tones: white and cream. Both tones are perfect to face any kind of project, due to the magnificent quarry which are mined from, that counts with large reserves. Of course, due to their physical characteristics, they admit any kind of finishing.
Negro Oca granite is a compact rock with irregular fracture. It is extracted in Spain. Its operating fronts are of variable length and with irregular fracturing, from which large blocks can be extracted (it has abundant reserves).
It admits any type of finish and does not show important alterations or loss of polishing. Can be used indoors and outdoors.
Predominant black and dark gray grains, mixed with other smaller targets. Is considered medium grain and uniform.
Petrographic designation
Granite UNE-EN 12407
Apparent density
2600 Kg/m3 UNE-EN 1936
Open porosity
1.0 % UNE-EN 1936
Water absorption
0.4 % UNE-EN 13755
Abrasion resistance
16.5 mm. UNE-EN 14157
Compressive strength
14,8 MPa UNE-EN 1926
Flexural strength
8,3 Mpa UNE-EN 12372
Resistance to freezing
(48 cycles) 9,3 Mpa UNE-EN 12371
Petrographic Examination
(UNE-EN 12407:2007) Granite
Water Absorption
(UNE-EN 13755:2007) Mean Value 0,3%
Apparent Density and Open Porosity
(UNE-EN 1936:2007)
Apparent Density 2.589 Kg / m3
Open Porosity 0,9 %
Frost Resistance (12 cycles)
(UNE-EN 12371:2011) Flexural Strength 4,8 cm2 / 50 cm2
Flexural Strength
(UNE-EN 12372:2007) Flexural Strength 10%
Breaking Load at Dowel Hole
(UNE-EN 13364:2002) Breaking Load 1400 N
Water Absorption by Capillarity
(UNE-EN 1925:1999) Coefficients 9,23 g / m2s0,5
Petrographic designation
Syenite with feldspathoids UNE-EN 12407
Bulk density
2620 Kg/m3 UNE-EN 1936
Open porosity
0.8 % UNE-EN 1936
Water absorption
0.3 % UNE-EN 13755
Abrasion resistance
17.3 mm. UNE-EN 14157
Compressive strength
151 MPa UNE-EN 1926
Flexural strength
14.1 Mpa UNE-EN 12372
Resistance to freezing
(48 cycles) 1.7 % UNE-EN 12371
Petrographic designation
Syenite with feldspathoids UNE-EN 12407
Bulk density
2580 Kg/m3 UNE-EN 1936
Open porosity
0.6 % UNE-EN 1936
Water absorption
0.2 % UNE-EN 13755
Abrasion resistance
17.3 mm. UNE-EN 14157
Compressive strength
151 MPa UNE-EN 1926
Bending strength
10.0 Mpa UNE-EN 12372
Resistance to freezing (48 cycles)
1.7 % UNE-EN 12371